$2500 Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award: Deadline January 31st

The Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award is for a refugee who has shown courage and determination while adapting to a new language and culture in Canada. It is valued at $2,500.

The Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award recognizes a student who:

  1. Entered Canada as a refugee
  2. Completed Grade 12 or the equivalent
  3. Studied English as an additional language since arriving in Canada
  4. Wishes to study in a vocational or academic program at a post-secondary institution in British Columbia


Applicants will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Must be a Grade 12 or equivalent graduate who wishes to attend a BC post-secondary institution
  2. Documented English language coursework at the secondary level
  3. Documented school or community volunteer service

Application Requirements

Applicants are required to submit:

  1. A description of the applicant’s life before coming to Canada
    a. Two pages in length, double-spaced, approximately 500 words
  2. A personal essay (original copy signed by the applicant)
    a. Topic: How a post-secondary education will enable the applicant to contribute to Canadian society
    b. Two pages in length, double-spaced, approximately 500 words
  3. Two letters of reference:
    a. One from a teacher regarding academic performance
    b. One from an administrator, counsellor, coach, sponsor, or coordinator regarding school or community volunteer service
  4. Documented proof of permanent residency or Canadian citizenship
  5. Transcripts documenting English language coursework or equivalent
  6. Completed application and supporting documents. Click here to download the Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award Application Form.

Application Submission

Applications should be postmarked on or before the deadline and submitted to:

TEAL Charitable Foundation
Attention: Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award
#206 – 640 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC  V5Z 1G4

Deadline is Wednesday, January 31st.

More info is HERE.

Reminder! Adventures in Citizenship deadline is THIS Friday, January 12th

Travel to Ottawa to gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials and others, you will learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions among themselves, you will learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be between 16 and 18
  • Have excellent academic standing
  • Be involved in Community Service with an emphasis on non-school related volunteering
  • Have leadership abilities
  • Be a Canadian citizen or have Landed Immigrant Status
  • Be able to go to Ottawa from April 28 – May 2, 2o18
  • Complete the application form HERE.
  • Answer “What does being Canadian mean to you?” in a 250 word essay
  • Attend an interview with a panel of Rotarians – to be scheduled at the end of January.

All expenses are paid, not including spending money. Please note that 3 scholarships are also available for the participants in the program.

Please submit your application to Ms. Falsetto before Friday, January 12th, 2018. The Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee will then shortlist the candidates. The Burnaby Rotary Club will make the final decision.

More information is HERE.

Please see Ms. Falsetto with any questions.



Corpus Christi Circle of Fellows Scholarship information available here.

The Corpus Christi Admissions Office offers the Circle of Fellows Scholarship.  Please see the information provided by them here:

The Circle of Fellows scholarship is our new and highly unique program offering a full 2-year scholarship.  The scholarship not only covers tuition fee but other programming as well such as leadership courses and co-op placement. This comprehensive award provides the recipients the opportunity to develop in various areas of their lives as they gain the skill, confidence, and experience the opportunities to develop as young leaders and scholars.

Self-nomination form is available HERE.

Corpus Christi College also offers a series of other scholarships that students may be interested in.  Information is here: http://corpuschristi.ca/channels/future-students/financial-aid-and-scholarships/)

$500 Award for Excellence in Chinese: Deadline March 15th


British Columbia’s Ministry of Education is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the B.C.-China Award for Excellence in Chinese. The award promotes the study of Chinese language and cultural by B.C. students developing their intercultural awareness and skills.

The B.C.-China Award for Excellence in Chinese is a collaborative scholarship program offering up to fifty (50) $500 Awards for B.C. students studying Chinese. Each Award is jointly funded by the BC Ministry of Education ($250) and the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver ($250).

Applicants must:
•    Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
•    Ordinarily reside in British Columbia
•    Be school-age (not older than 19 years of age by June 30, 2018)
•    Be enrolled as a full-time Grade 12 student at a public or independent school in British Columbia
•    Have completed a Mandarin Chinese language course at the Grade 11 level in British Columbia with a minimum course grade of 86 % – course completion attained through challenge, equivalency or other course credit is not eligible
•    Be enrolled in or have completed a Mandarin Chinese language course at the Grade 12 level
•    Have attained a grade of 73% and above in all completed Grade 11 courses

How to Apply

Students must complete Parts I and II of the application and ensure Part III is completed by the student’s guardian.  Each applicant must also be nominated or sponsored by the student’s Mandarin Chinese language teacher, or the school’s vice-principal or principal. Sponsors must complete Part IV of the application on behalf of the student.

Byrne Creek is permitted to submit 5 applications. The deadline to apply for this scholarship to the Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee is March 15th.

For more information on the B.C.-China Award for Excellence in Chinese including applications and eligibility criteria, see the Ministry of Education website.


Ms. Falsetto

Do you want to be a teacher? $5000 Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship application deadline: Thursday, February 15th

Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship

The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education.
Please complete the application package HERE and submit it directly to the Ministry of Education at:
Provincial Scholarships Program
Ministry of Education
PO Box 9886 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC  V8W 9T6
The deadline to apply for the BC Pathway to Education is Thursday, February 15th. 
More information for the Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is HERE.
Ms. Falsetto

$5000 BC Excellence Scholarship application deadline: Friday, February 2nd

BC Excellence Scholarships

There are 55 BC Excellence Scholarships available to recognize well-rounded B.C. graduates. Winners will have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and shown aptitude and commitment to their chosen career paths. They will receive a $5000 scholarship voucher to use for post-secondary tuition.

Byrne Creek is permitted to submit one nominee for this scholarship.  Please complete the application package HERE and submit it to Ms. Falsetto.  At this stage of the application, you are NOT required to submit reference letters (as detailed in Section 4).  However, please request reference letters as soon as possible to give your referees ample time to write you a strong reference. Once you have been selected as the nominee, your complete application package will be due to Ms. Falsetto so it can be submitted to the Ministry.

The deadline to apply for the BC Excellence Scholarship is Friday, February 2nd. You may hand it in to Ms. Falsetto in B110.

When selected, your completed application package (with reference letters) will be due on Friday, February 9th.

More information for the BC Excellence Scholarship is HERE.

Best wishes,

Ms. Falsetto

$100,000 Schulich Leaders Application deadline EXTENDED: Friday, January 26th

The deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, January 26th. Here are details:

50 Schulich Scholarships are awarded each year:

  • 25 at $100,000 for engineering
  • 25 at $80,000 for science, technology or mathematics

Schulich Leader Scholarships are prestigious entrance scholarships awarded to high school graduates enrolling in Science, Technology,Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) programs at our 20 Canadian partner universities.

Recognizing the increasing importance and impact that STEM disciplines will have on the prosperity of future generations, businessman and philanthropist Seymour Schulich established this $100 million scholarship fund in 2012 to encourage our best and brightest students to be the next pioneers of global scienti c research and innovation.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Graduate high school or Cégep in the 2017/2018 academic year
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Plan to enroll in STEM at one of our partner universities
  • Meet at least two of the following criteria:
    • Academic excellence
    • Leadership (community, business or entrepreneurial
    • Financial need
    • Not planning a career as a medical practitioner

Byrne Creek will nominate one student. Deadline to apply to the Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee is Friday, January 26th, 2018.

The official deadline to submit the Byrne Creek applicant’s name is Thursday, February 1st.

The official deadline to apply to the Schulich Foundation is Thursday, February 22nd.

More information is available HERE.

Schulich website is HERE.


Ms. Falsetto

Attn Grads (and grade 11’s): Do you want help writing your university applications? January 5th workshop. Details here.

UBC HOPE will be hosting a workshop for students writing university applications.  This is happening on Friday, January 5th from 5-7pm at UBC for $10.

This workshop will be hosted by previous scholarship recipients such as winners of the UBC Major Entrance Scholarship and Schulich Scholarship Awards. There will also be university students who are trained as Peer Academic Coaches available for consultation. In addition, students will have the opportunity to be paired with a mentor in university to work through their academic goals for the rest of the school year.

On January 5th the editing workshop will be available. Students will be working face to face with a paired mentor to help with brainstorming and editing their applications. Additionally, there will be a Scholarship Panel and a BCom Video Interview Panel. The Scholarship Panel will consist of students who have received a Major Entrance Scholarship; the BCom Video Interview Panel will consist of Sauder students who have completed the video interviews themselves.

The sign up link to the workshop: <goog_482092393> https://goo.gl/forms/ls9VY4POyANBaom33

This workshop is also open to grade 11 students.

Please note the details below:

Date: Friday January 5th, 2018
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Cost: $10
Location: UBC, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Room 182
Mentors: UBC Scholarship winners (Major Entrance Scholars, Schulich Scholarship winners), Peer Academic Coaches, and Humanitarian Organization for Providing Empowerment Executives.

Contact: ubchopeclub@gmail.com<mailto:ubchopeclub@gmail.com>
Website: http://thehopeinitiative.wixsite.com/ubchope

Best Regards,
-The UBC Humanitarian Organization for Providing Empowerment.

Grade 10-12 Youth Leadership Camp from March 30-April 2nd: deadline is Monday, January 15th

The Rotary Club of Burnaby is now accepting applications for the Rotary Youth Leadership  Award (RYLA) South.

Are you available to attend a fully sponsored 4-day leadership camp over the Easter Long weekend (Friday, March 30 – Monday, April 2, 2018)? If yes, consider this!

RYLA South is for grade 10-­12 students looking for an intensive leadership and personal development training program. RYLA South’s goal is to provide participants with the skills they need to navigate their way through the challenges teens encounter in their formative years.

The 4­-day camp takes place at Camp Elphinstone with other youths from all over British Columbia.  It consists of interactive workshops, team­building exercises, presentations from professional speakers, hands ­on service projects and many other fun activities!

RYLA South provides opportunities to:

● Build on leadership skills, as an individual and as a team player.
● Increase self­confidence and self­esteem.
● Learn about personal and professional responsibility.
● Understand the importance of effective communication skills.
● Develop problem solving and conflict management skills.
● Make new friends while having fun.
● Meet community leaders and mentors.
● Learn about other Rotary Youth Programs.

Participant Eligibility:

● Reside in Rotary International District 5040 (British Columbia, Canada).
● Be selected for sponsorship by a participating Rotary club.
● Be in grade 10, 11 or 12 at time of registration.
● Demonstrate leadership and community service.
● If selected, must be available to attend ALL camp dates (March 30-April 2)

Please note that this is an all-expenses paid camping trip.

How to apply:

Please e-mail your resume directly to Lana: lana_s@telus.net before Monday, January 15th, 2018.

More information is HERE.



Change in Deadline for Adventures in Citizenship Experience: It is now on January 12th

The deadline to apply is now Friday, January 12th, 2018.

Travel to Ottawa to gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials and others, you will learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions among themselves, you will learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be between 16 and 18
  • Have excellent academic standing
  • Be involved in Community Service with an emphasis on non-school related volunteering
  • Have leadership abilities
  • Be a Canadian citizen or have Landed Immigrant Status
  • Be able to go to Ottawa from April 28 – May 2, 2o18
  • Complete the application form HERE.
  • Answer “What does being Canadian mean to you?” in a 250 word essay
  • Attend an interview with a panel of Rotarians – to be scheduled at the end of January.

All expenses are paid, not including spending money. Please note that 3 scholarships are also available for the participants in the program.

Please submit your application to Ms. Falsetto before Friday, January 12th, 2018. The Byrne Creek Scholarship Committee will then shortlist the candidates. The Burnaby Rotary Club will make the final decision.

More information is HERE.

Please see Ms. Falsetto with any questions.
