Welcome to the Department Resource Page. On this page you will find the links to some helpful websites. To access online versions of the textbook: For Grades 8 – 10, click HERE, and for Grades 11 – 12, click HERE. The pages are password protected. Please see your teacher for more information.
Teacher Websites
Dr. Ojelel website: sd41blogs.ca/ojelela
Mr. Vlacil website: www.mrvscienceandmath.com
On-line Graphing Technology
Desmos website: www.desmos.com/calculator
Geogebra website: www.geogebra.org/graphing
Teaching Websites
Purple Math website: www.purplemath.com
Khan Academy website: www.khanacademy.org
Multiplication Facts: website: www.multiplication.com
Integer Addition/Subtraction : website: www.mathgames.com