What is a bibliography?
It’s an alphabetical list of the resources (websites, articles, books, etc.) you used for your research. Each item in the list is called a citation.
Why do I need one?
You must credit other people’s work! If you are borrowing ideas, images, or wording from others, you must give credit to them, otherwise you are plagiarizing.
How do I make one?
Use Cite This For Me to format your bibliography.
Ask the librarian for help at any time.
Citations and Citation Styles (MLA, APA)
- Purdue OWL The Online Writing Lab from Purdue University. It has lots of great writing, research, and citation tips for all subject areas.
- https://www.crossref.org/guestquery
- This site will help you to locate the DOI for journals.
- https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/Best_practices_for_attribution
- How to attribute Create Commons pieces
- https://www.zotero.org/
- Zotero is a form of software that helps you to organise your citations. It is more powerful than tools like mybib.com because it also helps you to integrate your citations into your writing and keep track of the references you actually use as opposed to the ones you have just read and kept in your source list