MLA Citations


MLA citations are generally used in the Humanities and is often the default style on any citation creation website.

The basics of setting up your paper and bibliography can be found here.
The basics of what you need for each MLA citation are:
  1. Author(s)
  2. Title
  3. Title of container (ie. a newspaper or database title)
  4. Version (if applicable)
  5. Page numbers
  6. Publisher
  7. Publication date
  8. Location (ie. a country for a book or a URL for a website)

General information from Alpha’s Librarian on how to create an MLA bibliography can be found below

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Full MLA guides are available from University of Reno and OWL Purdue to help you with any issues that may arise. OWL Purdue allows you to search by source type on the side menu, which is a handy feature.