Welcome Back! – Burnaby Science

Welcome Back!

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The new school year offers a chance to look ahead and start afresh!  Some advice I have for you as you face 2018/19: 1) It’s about the relationships.  The most effectiveness we have as teachers is in connecting with our learners and sharing our passions. Minimise the work that is far from the learner and impacts our ability to be present (both physically and emotionally).  Don’t worry if your classroom isn’t “Pinterest-worthy”. Don’t worry if that thing isn’t laminated.  Focus on the connection and the communication in the classroom.

2) The more work they do, the more they learn.  Get the kids engaged in as much of the work and decision-making as possible.  I emphasize this for assessment–get the kids talking about what the criteria for work should be, and get them giving feedback on peer’s work. If you don’t think primary kids can do this, take a look Austin’s Butterfly.

3) Keep your work/life balance.  There’s a lot of pressure on us to change and improve, and teachers are so dedicated that we often engage in a lot of change, learning and work.  However, it is important to keep the focus of professional growth manageable and to maintain a good work/life balance. Don’t forget to go for a walk.  The Well Balanced Teacher is a great resource if you have forgotten how to have a good life.

Science Sessions in the Fall

I’m kicking off my Elementary Staff Development offerings with Space on Oct 1.  This will be followed by a re-running of all the Science Inquiry Sessions from last year for those of you who missed them.  Don’t forget that you can check out the 4-pagers by subject area up on the “Workshops” section of this blog.  For Grades 6-9 teachers, we are offering a learning team jointly with Science World.  Check out the elementary Promo 2018 19 Plans  and the Secondary Science Staff Development Opportunities here.  Fall offerings are on the staff development calendar now.

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