Place Based Learning

Learning in Burnaby Schools

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Travelling Tuesdays & Project “Pull Out That Ivy!”

Sharmila Kalagendran and her students at Suncrest Elementary enjoyed taking their learning out to the creek every week for Travelling Tuesdays! Some weeks, they went to explore and learn about plants that live there. Other weeks, they worked to clean up the creek near their school. With “Project Pull Out that Ivy”, they learned about the impact of invasive species, and the actions they can take to recover spaces.

How does learning about a place encourage us to care and take action in our communities?

Nature’s Gift

“Today on Wednesday Wander we decided to see how nature’s gift of rain would help us create art. We took blue, black, and white paint with us and as the rain splashed from the sky, we used our brushes to make gentle strokes on the paper. All of this together guided our art process.”

– Dawn Howey, Forest Grove

How Can We Mix Colours?

“During Wednesday Wander we decided we would continue the idea of mixing colours. We read the story Mixed and then invited the students to use the materials to create. We had paint, burshes, paper, and string to tie the paper to the trees. We packed all supplies in our wagon and headed to Fairy Forest.” – Dawn Howey, Forest Grove


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