Finding Balance and Joy in Numeracy

Are you stressed by new curriculum? Do you feel overwhelmed by expectations to teach curricular competencies in math? Is the task of differentiating for your diverse group of learners feeling unmanageable?  Help is available!

First, as the new Math/Science Program consultant, I would love the opportunity to come work with you and your class to develop your math program and connect you to resources.  E-mail me at or give me a call on my special Math/Science Consultant Hotline 604-760-6157 (ok, it IS just an old iPhone, but it makes me feel good).

Secondly, check out the BC Numeracy Network.  Don’t spend your valuable teacher time re-inventing the wheel.  Take a look at this website that is filled with great resources.  It has a balanced approach to numeracy and brings some activities that will help you (and your students) find the joy and beauty in math.

New on the Blog

Check out the SD 41 Shares above for some shared resources.  Have something to share? Send it to me and I will share with the district.


If I have met you recently or you have attended a workshop, I may automatically sign you up for a subscription to this blog.  That means you will get a reminder newsletter once every two weeks (or less often) to your sd41 e-mail if there are updates on this website.  It is easy to unsubscribe, but after finding the great resources here, I’m sure you won’t want to.

Math Talks, Carole Fullerton and Blog Updates

Math and Number Talks are a great strategy to get students working on the communication competencies and computational fluency in Math.  They can be applied from K-12 (and beyond). California teacher Fawn Nguyen has compiled a great list of resources for this strategy.  Have you started using it? Comment by clicking the bubble above.

Carole Fullerton

Carole Fullerton’s visit to Burnaby is starting to fill up.  There are still places in the morning intermediate session and a few spots in the primary session.  Sign up now at the staff development calendar.

New on the Blog

If you check out New Curriculum Support from the tabs above, you find that the one column rubrics outlining curricular competencies have been completed for K-9.  Also, info from the Curriculum Implementation Day at Burnaby Mountain has been shared as well.

Learn with Carole Fullerton on November 7

On November 7th, Burnaby teachers will have an opportunity for professional growth with Carole Fullerton.  For those who are unfamiliar, Carole is a private consultant working with teachers around British Columbia (and beyond!) in the area of numeracy. She works with districts, whole school staffs, with school-based learning teams, in classrooms and with parents in an effort to promote mathematical thinking.  

Sign up for either the Multiplicative Thinking for Intermediate Students in the am, or Place Value and Number Sense for Primary in the pm.  Use the staff development calendar to book your spot:

Here is more detailed information: Carole Fullerton Nov 7 poster