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Author: parsonsonl
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Ms Hughes: Ted Talks: To Infinity & Beyond!
Ms Hughes: To Lease or Loan?
To calculate a car bank loan use one of the following bank links: RBC Scotia Bank CIBC To use a TVM (Time Value of Money) calculator, click here. You will also need to go to a car company to select a car. Make certain you select a big company (ie Honda, Toyota, Ford, Acura…) that…
Ms Woolf: Social Studies Timeline
To sign up for Padlet go here. Besides using the Canadian online links on our library website (the NFB, Curio, The Canadian Online Encyclopedia, consider some of the links below: Black Enslavement in Canada (Canadian Encyclopedia) Black History in Canada (Canadian Archives) Black History in Canada A Select Timeline (Historica) The Story of Slavery in Canada…
Ms O’Sullivan-Microbits
The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world. For the introduction watch here. Click here to join.
Ms Miller: Composition 11
Please click here to see the site.
Mr Vigna & Ms O’Sullivan’s Publishing Poetry using Cricut and Canva
Ms Hughes: Mathematicians
Click here to see the video.
Ms Pedersen’s Class- Computer Coding
Click here to access the lessons. Nazret go here.