
Alpha offers Spanish 9-12 Including Intro Spanish 11.  The courses are designed to help students reach a conversational level of Spanish and to engage students using cultural awareness of Spanish speaking countries.

Spanish 9 is an introductory language course. This course allows students to engage in
learning experiences through which they can become proficient users of Spanish, gain
new perspectives, and engage with Spanish-speaking communities. All Spanish courses
use an integrated approach to language learning and focus on the four essential skills
of reading, writing, listening, speaking and interacting. Opportunities are provided for
students to participate in short conversations, ask for and share information about
activities and interests, listen to authentic audio scripts, watch films, learn dance and
music, read various texts and express themselves in the written language.
Students in Spanish 9 will explore:
• Spanish-speaking areas in the world
• Spanish-speaking populations and culture
• School life in Spanish-speaking regions
• Spanish language songs and films
• Formal and informal forms of address in different social situations
Spanish 10 builds on the basis language skills acquired in Spanish 9. In this course students explore a variety of Spanish-language texts and continue to expand their understanding of Hispanic cultures. All Spanish courses focus on the four essential skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Some of the big ideas include:
• Cultural expression can take many different forms.
• Expressing ourselves and engaging in conversation in a new language require courage, risk-taking    and perseverance.
• Listening and viewing with intent supports our acquisition and understanding of a new language.
Beginner Spanish 11 is an intensive introductory course, covering two years in one (Spanish 9 and Spanish 10). The focus of this course is communication through listening, speaking, reading and writing activities, in order to develop the necessary language structures and vocabulary. The cultures, customs and traditions of Spanish speaking countries will also be explored enriching the authentic language-learning experience. Please consult with chosen post-secondary institutions to see if this course satisfies the language pre-requisite for program admission.
Spanish 11 and 12 are higher-level courses concentrating on developing students’ language proficiency through listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of these courses, students will be able to use Spanish to complete a variety of written and performance-based tasks. Grammar and vocabulary are taught more extensively, in order to clarify and enhance communication skills. Students will examine Spanish-speaking culture around the world. This course satisfies university entrance requirements and therefore as an academic class it requires daily study and practice in order to succeed.
Students will have the opportunity to:
• Learn about Spanish culture through music, film and dance
• Practice conversational language
• Learn and practice grammatical structures
• Learn and put into practice new grammatical structures and verb tenses
• Use a variety of verb tenses together both in written and oral contexts