The Joy of Genrefication!

Did you know the fiction section of our library is now sorted by genre? This makes it easier than ever to find books you love! Simply find the genre you’re looking for by using the signs on the ends of the aisles. Within each genre, books are sorted alphabetically by author. If you’re looking for a specific book but not sure what genre it is, use our catalogue to search for the book and find its genre under “sublocation”.


Each book has a special genre label on its spine to let you know where it belongs.

Do you forget what genre means? Here is a video to refresh your memory:

The genres in our fiction section are:

  • Realistic Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Animal Stories
  • Humor
  • Historical Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Sci-Fi
  • Dystopian
  • Adventure
  • Horror

Come check out a book from your favourite genre today!



Ms. Rudolph is Back!

I am very happy to be back at Stoney Creek as your librarian after taking a year off on maternity leave. Last week brought joy to my heart as the community welcomed me back with excited smiles. Drop by the library to say hi and tell me what you have been reading or ask for a book recommendation (although I have mostly been reading board books for the last year!)

Library Monitors

There is always lots of work to be done in the library! Starting this month, Grade 6/7 student volunteers will be coming to the library at recess to help as library monitors. These students have completed training and will be helping to shelve books, keep the library tidy, and create displays. I am so grateful for their willingness to volunteer their time to help! The schedule for library monitors will be posted outside the library.