Q’inti the Hummingbird is an Indigenous story traditionally told by the Quechan People of Peru. Haida artist, Michael Nicoll Yahgulnanaas, created art for a book titled, The Little Hummingbird. The Vancouver Opera performs for audiences in theatres and also in schools. They would usually visits schools to share their performance of The Flight of the Hummingbird, but cannot do so right now when theatres and schools are closed. However, you can still watch their performance tomorrow, May 19th, on Youtube from the comfort of your own home!
All tell the story of a hummingbird who tirelessly works to protect her forest home and her animal friends from a wildfire. Not every animal, however, believes that such a small creature can help with such a large problem. What do you think people can learn from the story of the little hummingbird?
Use the choice board below to experience and explore the story of the little hummingbird in a variety of ways.