Claude Monet was a French painter who mostly painted landscapes; scenes of the land and nature around him. He lived in a house in Giverny, France that was surrounded by gardens and he, himself, enjoyed gardening. Many of his paintings were inspired by his own gardens.

I love to look at art and Monet is one of my favourite artists. Last year I had the wonderful opportunity to visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York where many of his paintings of water lilies are displayed. I enjoy his artwork because the style of painting he used, Impressionism, makes the scene look dreamy and soft. I am also interested in his paintings as so many of them show flowers.
You can explore the world of Monet with four options on my choice board below. You can read and learn more about Claude Monet and his painting style using our schools’ World Book Kids and Tumblebooks online resources. You can also take a tour through one of his paintings and watch an art lesson to paint your own version of it. Click on the choice board to open it and start exploring!
I would love for you to share your paintings with me. Please email me at stephanie.good@burnabyschools.ca.