If you give a child a book, he’s going to want to read it.
And as he reads, he’s going to think about what he’s reading.
And as he thinks, he’s going to recall what he
already knows and similar experiences he’s had.
And as he thinks about those experiences,
he’s going to want to write.
And as he writes, he’s going to want to talk to his friends
and share his thoughts and ideas with them.
And as he talks with others, he’s going to want
to learn and discover more.
So, chances are he’ll find another book to read.
And then another,
And another.
And as he reads more books,
he’ll discover books that make him
smile, laugh, cry, angry, curious, frustrated, contented,
thoughtful and happy.
And then, as time passes,
he’ll become a lifelong reader
-Pamela J. Farris,inspired by the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie