Monday, October 26th was National School Library Day, a day to celebrate the important role school libraries play in making every student a lifelong reader and learner. In the afternoon, the whole school participated in DEAR, Drop Everything and Read, a province-wide challenge sponsored by the BCTLA. Here’s a wonderful photo of a group of boys reading to Fin in Mrs. Kaga’s classroom.
In the morning , we were fortunate to have members of the Douglas College Women’s basketball team come and be guest readers in some of the primary classes. They thoroughly enjoyed reading Halloween stories to the students and answering their questions. Our thanks to their assistant coach, Mme. Petit , who is also a student-teacher in M. March’s class, for arranging this reading event. Some of the guest readers even brought some of their favourite books from their childhoods and read them. Guest readers were Sim, Sara, Lauren, Ellen, Garaline, Laiken, Amber, and Jettie. Reading role models extraordinaire! You rock and…. read!