Business and Applied Business
Accountant, bookkeeper, data entry clerk, payroll clerk, banker, financial planner, office assistant, business officer manager, secretaries, entrepreneur, salesperson, realtor, marketing executive, insurance agent, human resources manager, stockbroker, court clerk, purchasing agent, hairdresser, aesthetician, massage therapist, cosmetician
Fine Arts, Design, and Media
Photographer, camera operator, illustrator, artist, painter, art curator, film director, cinematographer, producer, broadcaster, audio & video technicians, actor, set designer, choreographers, dancer, fashion designer, tailor, interior designer, craftsperson, jeweller, musician, conductor, composer, singer, animator, game developers, web page designers, graphic arts
Fitness and Recreation
Athlete, coach, recreation director, trainer, fitness consultant, facilities manager, community recreation coordinator, referee, ski instructor
Health and Human Services
Nurse, health care assistant, doctor, paramedic, pharmacist, speech therapist, veterinarian, optometrist, chiropractor, dieticians, dentist, dental assistant, hygienist, medical/dental lab technicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapist, teacher, teaching assistants, daycare worker, counsellor, psychologist, social worker, home support worker, police officer, probation officers, security guards, lawyer, paralegals, firefighter
Liberal Arts and Humanities
Anthropologist, sociologist, archaeologist, museum curator, historian, archivist, communications officer, journalist, librarian, government public service, political scientist, postal worker, linguist, interpreter, clergy, geographer, urban planner
Sciences and Applied Sciences
Engineer, architects, landscape architects, surveyor, physicist, chemist, biologist, environmentalist, forester, meteorologist, geologist, computer programmers, aviation pilots, air traffic controllers, technicians in areas related to occupations listed above
Tourism, Hospitality, and Foods
Tourism information counsellor, host/hostess, hotel manager, reservation sales agent, campground operator, flight attendant, food and beverage manager, server, chef, baker, bartender, front desk agent, concierge, hunting and fishing guide, tour guide
Trades and Technology
Plumber, pipe fitter, gas fitter, sprinkler installation, carpenter, contractor, cabinet maker, drywall installer, framer, roofer, bricklayer, painters, decorators, upholster, tile setters, floor covering installers, insulator, electrician instrumentation mechanic, car audio installer, security/alarm installer, power engineer, aircraft maintenance engineer, heavy equipment operator, heavy equipment mechanic, millwright, machinist, welder, communications repair technician, motor vehicle mechanic, automotive repair and refinisher