Back to School (Fall 2018)

Hey everyone, 

With back to school not far away, a few updates from your tech liaison.  

  1. The google document for booking technology will be available right as school starts.  Double checking room availabilities will occur at the end of August.  
  2. You’ll notice the google document looks a bit different.  There are now two days side by side on the sheet (to shorten the document) and not have to scroll as much. 
  3. The Library Classroom has been added as a “bookable” space since no classes are being taught in there. 
  4. If there are any Apps or other tech requests you have, don’t hesitate to send them my way.

I’m available in Period 2 for any help or consulting you may have about implementing technology into your classroom practices!

Here’s to a great start up and awesome 2018/2019 school year.

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