2021 Nelson Scholarship Progam

Recipients of the Nelson awards are young leaders of tomorrow, showcasing a commitment to community stewardship and academic achievement.

This year, Nelson is offering two incredible opportunities for students, their Civic Leadership Scholarship and their Indigenous Student Scholarship, in partnership with Indspire.

Learn More: https://www.nelson.com/scholarship/?utm_source=Email&utm_campaign=Scholarship21&mc_cid=1856ec8ff1&mc_eid=8950fef2fb

Applications close June 30, 2021

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Scholarship Notification

Attention Grads!  If you have been offered scholarships, bursaries or awards, let Ms. McChesney know ASAP so that your achievements can be recognized at the Graduation Ceremony

If you have won an Entrance Scholarship from a post-secondary institution, please bring confirmation to Ms. McChesney even if you don’t plan on accepting their offer.

You can find Ms. McChesney in A103 in Q4, or email her at adrienne.mcchesney@burnabyschools.ca

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Brett Meredith Award for Distinction in Writing – $1000


The Brett Meredith Award for Distinction in Writing is awarded to a grade 12 student who demonstrates passion and aptitude for creative writing. 


This award was created in 2017 in memory of Brett Meredith, a well-respected English and Creative Writing teacher at Alpha Secondary. 


To be considered for the award the student must have: 

  • Been enrolled at Alpha Secondary for their grade 12 year 
  • Been admitted to a post-secondary institution for the upcoming school year.
  • Been a strong, positive member of the school community (ex. Grad Council, student council, clubs, sports teams, etc.)
  • Demonstrated a passion and aptitude for creative writing (ex. short stories, poetry, script writing, narrative essays) 


One scholarship of $1000 will be awarded to a graduate of Alpha Secondary annually.  Funding for the scholarship will come from PAC fundraising.  Students are asked to complete an application which will include a cover letter and a sample of their own creative writing to Alpha’s Scholarship Chair, Ms. McChesney, in room A100 by Wednesday, April 21st.  The writing sample can be of any genre and any length.  Angela Meredith (Brett’s wife) will choose the winner.


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Lisa Huus Bursary

Each year the Huus Family, in partnership with Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island (formerly Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children) and generous donors, award bursaries to support the education of students with disabilities.

The purpose of the fund is to provide bursaries, in the range of $500 – $5,000 annually per recipient, to assist persons with disabilities to undertake or continue their post-secondary education at an accredited post-secondary institution in British Columbia. Bursaries may be used for items such as tuition fees, textbooks, equipment, transportation, residence and support worker costs. 

The bursary was established in 1988 by the family of Lisa Pauline Huus, a sociology student at the University of Victoria. “Lisa fought for her rights to go to university and be treated just like any other student,” says her mother Annie Huus. “We established this fund so that students with physical challenges like Lisa can access much needed financial support to pursue their educational dreams.”

Please visit https://islandkidsfirst.com/lisa-huus-bursary/ for more information on the story behind the Lisa Huus Bursary, eligibility requirements and the application process.

The deadline for applications is May 31, 2021

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Michael J Fox VPA Award


Each year, the Michael J. Fox Theatre Society selects graduating Burnaby School District (SD41) students who have demonstrated exemplary aptitude for the Arts as recipients of the Michael J. Fox Theatre Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship.


Applicants to the Michael J. Fox Theatre Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship must be:

  • a student graduating from a Burnaby School District (SD41) secondary school at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
  • enrolled in a visual or performing arts course in a Burnaby (SD41) secondary school for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • pursuing a post-secondary Degree or Certificate in an Arts discipline.
  • a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident.


Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the selection committee based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated interest, dedication and aptitude in an arts or in multiple arts disciplines, e.g. dance, drama, music, visual arts, theatre, script writing, stagecraft, directing, media arts
  • History of school and/or community volunteering
  • Additional consideration will be given to students who face financial adversity pursuing their chosen post-secondary program


  • Completed Applications Packages must include:
  • Your completed Student Application Form
  • Short Essay Responses (Instructions in Application Form)
  • Your secondary school transcript
  • A summary of your school and/or community volunteer activities
  • Three (3) reference letters, including one from a teacher of the Visual and Performing Arts in your school
  • a Digital Portfolio


Your complete application package must be submitted to the chairperson of your school’s Scholarship Committee (Ms. McChesney in A100) by April 9, 2021.

MJF scholarship info and application 2021

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Applications for the 2021 BC Tech Scholarship are now open!

Investing in the future of tech talent is one of the keys to success for the BC technology sector. Established in 2005, the industry-funded BC Tech Scholarship Program is proud to provide grants to students who have a proven passion for technology, a desire to leave a mark in the tech sector and are pursuing a post-secondary education in a technology-related program.

If you have a passion for the technology sector, involvement in the tech community, or desires to leave a mark in the future of technology, we encourage you to have them apply!

Eligible disciplines include:

  1. Biotech
  2. Business & Technology
  3. Cleantech
  4. Computer Science
  5. Digital Media
  6. Engineering
  7. Entrepreneurship
  8. IT & Applied Technology
  9. Management
  10. Product Management
  11. Other technical programs

2021 Grant Amounts

  • Up to 3 x $3,500 for current university and college students
  • Up to 3 x $2,500 for grade 12 graduates entering post-secondary

View the scholarship criteria and application content and Apply today! 

The deadline to submit is April 15, 2021.

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Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame Scholarships – $1000

Each year the Burnaby Sports Hall of Fame awards $1,000 scholarships to both a boy and girl graduating student athlete who plans to continue post secondary education while pursing their athletic endeavours. A link for the 2021 scholarship application form is below.
Deadline: May 31, 2021
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Grace Family Network Foundation Scholarship – $500

This is a scholarship opportunity for graduating students with demonstrable financial need, who intend to pursue post-secondary studies in any field.

Founded in the memory of Rebecca Chan, the Grace Family Network Foundation (gfnf) offers three scholarships of $500 each are available to Metro Vancouver area students graduating in 2021 and beginning their studies at any post-secondary institution in the Fall of 2021.  Priority will be given to students in financial need.  Applications must be received in full by 11:59pm on Monday, May 31st, 2021. Winners will be notified by July, 2021.

For more information about gfnf scholarships or to download an application, click on the link below:

Application Form

For questions about this scholarship, please send an email with the subject “gfnf Scholarships” to awards@gfnf.org.

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Rotary Club of Deer Lake Community Leadership Scholarship – $1000

This scholarship is awarded annually to a well-rounded student who has demonstrated strong citizenship and leadership skills as demonstrated through voluntary participation in community and school activities. The scholarship shall be applicable towards post-secondary education or trades training at any approved institution.

Criteria for Eligibility: Rotary-Scholarship-Criteria—2021

Application: Rotary-Scholarship-Criteria—2021 Rotary-Club-of-Burnaby -Deer Lake -2021 Scholarship application-or-nomination-form (1)

The deadline for applications is APRIL 9th, 2021

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District Scholarship Information Zoom Meeting

Are you interested in applying for district scholarships?

Join the District Scholarship Info Meeting (zoom platform) on Wednesday Feb 24 at 3:00pm.

Here’s the link to join the meeting:


Check out the District Scholarship page on this blog to see the informational power point and to get application forms for district scholarships:

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