Monthly Archives: October 2018

Wednesday October 31st

Hi all,

Just a friendly reminder that our first CLC Presentation option is coming up this Wednesday! Sign up is available on Office 365!

Our presenter will be Michael Lovett from WorkSafe BC!

“Michael Lovett was still in his teens when he was injured. He now wears a prosthetic after his leg was crushed by sawmill machinery. He wasn’t properly trained to deal with hazards and risks at his workplace. His life, like the lives of other young workers whose youth were cut short by workplace accidents, will never be the same.”

CLC Presentation

Hi! If you missed the CLC 11 presentation this AM here it is. Please look over it as it has A LOT of important information about CLC 11.

intro CLC presentation with log in info

Thank you! Gillam & Lo

Office 365 & MybluePrint


Many of you have expressed that you cannot log in to Office 365 or MybluePrint which you will need to do to complete Grad Trans 12, CLC 11 & CLC 10

Here is a quick guide for you! 

Office 365

  • Link to Office 365 is on the Alpha Website
  • Your login in email is your student (
  • If you do not remember your password or are having difficulties logging on, please see Ms. Cao in the office.
  • Once you have logged on you will see a number of Microsoft apps. Look for your group or class under teams. Once you are in the teams section you will be able to click on Files. Files is where you will find presentation information, sign up information and assignments.
  • Conversations is where you will be able to see updates and messages from Ms. Gillam or Ms. Lo


Step 1. Go to SIGN UP

Step 2. Enter ACTIVATION CODE bbyalpha

Step 3. Select STUDENT

Step 4: Complete registration and enter information.                                                                               (This needs to be professional and accurate).

  • Once you have signed up, we will place you in a virtual class. Through class you will be able to receive messages from Ms.Gillam or Ms.Lo as well as find all information about MybluePrint specific assignments

Thank you! Ms.Gillam & Ms.Lo 

Your New Advisors!!!

Hi Alpha,

We are excited to introduce to you, our new Career Programs Advisors who will be taking care of Work Experience, Volunteer Opportunities, Grad Transitions, Career Life Education (Grade 10) and Career Life Connections (Grade 11/12).

Come by and say HI to Ms. Gillam and Ms. Lo in Student Services.