CLC Grade 12 (2023-2024)

Career Life Connections 12 Overview

UPDATE MAY 2024 – By now, you should have submitted all assignments for CLC 12.   Please note that you must successfully complete the portfolio presentation project (Task #4 below) in order to earn CLC 12 course credits.  You MUST pass CLC 12 in order to graduate.  If you still have work missing, you must submit it immediately.  See your teacher advisor if you have any questions.

Also, Ms. Thomson is currently on leave.  Mr. Carey will be responsible for students with last names A to F.  He is available in Career Programs on day 1s. 


Welcome to CLC 12!  This course will build on your learning in CLC 11 and will culminate with the Portfolio Project where you will share an area of career or personal interest.  Similar to last year, you will be doing most of your course work on your own time.  There will be an in-person large group introductory lesson in October/November and an individual check-in during Assessment Week in January.  Please see below for more details.  Check your e-mail regularly for course updates.


CLC 12 Course Assignments

The due dates for your CLC 12 assignments are listed below. Specific instructions are included in the assignment handouts once they are posted.

Task #1 – Assignment #1:  Monday, November 20, 2023  (Submit in MyBluePrint) – PAST DUE!!!

CLC 12 Course Introduction Narrated Slideshow  (For your reference – please download and watch for important course information)
CLC 12 Assignment #1  (Please download – submit to MyBluePrint when finished)

Task #2 – Portfolio Project Proposal:  Monday, December 11, 2023  (Print and hand in proposal to room 116A) – PAST DUE!!!

CLC 12 Portfolio Project Proposal Assignment (Please download and complete this fillable pdf.  Print and hand in to room 116A when finished.)

Task #3 – Portfolio Project In-Person Check-in:  During Assessment Week Thursday, January 25, 2024  (In-person meeting with CLC teacher) – PAST DUE!!!

CLC 12 Progress Check-in Worksheet  (Please complete this worksheet and bring two copies to your in-person meeting – one to hand in and to keep for yourself).  You will be contacted directly by your specific CLC 12 teacher advisor (see below) with more details about your interview time in January.

Last Names A to F – Ms. Thomson (Career Programs Office – Day 1 only)
Last Names G to Sazian – Mr. Chan (Room 3074)
Last Names Searle to Z – Mr. Montgomery (Career Programs Office)

Task #4 – Final Portfolio Project:  Friday, April 12, 2024  (Submit final project and other project documents in MyBluePrint) – PAST DUE!!!
*** The final portfolio project MUST be completed to pass the course! ***

Please carefully review the three documents below:

1)  CLC 12 Portfolio Project Presentation Requirements  (Read carefully to see what you need to do to successfully complete your project – submit in MyBluePrint)
2)  CLC 12 Portfolio Presentation Project Rubric  (Must be completed by your mentor and yourself prior to handing in the work – submit in MyBluePrint)
3)  CLC 12 Mentor Contact Log  (Already given to you earlier – use this log to keep track of your communications with your mentor throughout the project – need to submit with your final project in MyBluePrint)

In summary – you need to submit (1) portfolio presentation narrated slideshow or video, (2) rubric completed by both mentor and yourself, and (3) mentor log in MyBluePrint.

Take a look at the following if you need some tips on using voiceover narration in PowerPoint:

CLC 12 Narrate PowerPoint Portfolio Presentation Tips  (Written instructions on recording narrations in PowerPoint)
CLC 12 How to Narrate PowerPoint Presentation Video #1  (Video instructions on recording narrations in PowerPoint – watch both videos)
CLC 12 How to Narrate PowerPoint Presentation Video #2  (Video Instructions on recording narrations in PowerPoint)


Need Help with MyBluePrint???

Every student needs to have a MyBluePrint account activated.  If you have any questions or need help with MyBluePrint, your first course of action will be to contact MyBluePrint by telephone 1-888-901-5505 (between 5 am and 3 pm local time) or by e-mail most cases, they should be able to solve your problem.

If you don’t have a MyBluePrint account, click here to download instructions on How to Open a MyBlueprint Account.  (Please do NOT create a new account if you already have one from CLE 10 or CLC 11).

Your CLC 12 Teachers

If you have any questions, contact one of the CLC 12 teachers:  Mr. Chan (Room 3074), Mr. Montgomery (Career Programs), or Mr. Carey (Career Programs – Day 1 only).