
This morning, I was thinking about reading.  Something I’ve always loved to do.  But over the last weeks I have sometimes felt like I couldn’t settle to any one book.  It’s like my attention span has taken a nose dive.  So I’ve looked for alternatives.  I do have plenty of old-fashioned paper books, but sometimes that hasn’t worked.  I have spent quite a bit of time listening to audiobooks.  That works best, I’ve found, when I’m doing something else: baking, gardening, knitting, cleaning…  And I’ve started doing something I swore I’d never do, I’m reading ebooks on my phone!  I know.  I’m old.  And I’m reading books on my phone.  And, surprisingly, it’s not so horrible.
But something else I’ve changed up is where I read.  I’m finding new places to sit with a book (or my phone).  As usual, a sunny spot is preferable.  Check out the library Instagram for pictures of a few of my preferred reading spots.  Then think about where you find yourself with a book, computer, tablet, phone, or…

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