Language Challenge Exams


If you are a grade 10-12 student who reads and writes fluently in one of the following languages, you may be able to receive credit for the language by writing the Language Challenge Exam.  This exam is offered annually in January. The following language courses may be challenged:

  • French 11 or 12
  • German 11 or 12
  • Japanese 11 or 12
  • Korean 11 or 12
  • Mandarin 11 or 12
  • Punjabi 11 or 12
  • Spanish 11 or 12

If you would like to complete a Language Challenge Exam, you MUST complete the following, and submit to Ms. Niccoli-Harris in Student Services (room 317) by November each year (exact due date TBD, publicized in the Student Bulletin.)

  1. Download the Student Application Package and fill it out completely
  • You need to complete pages 9 & 10 online before you print out the application
  1.  Attach a cheque for $50 (which will be refunded once you complete the Challenge exam) made out to: Delta School District
    • You must also print your full name, school and course you are challenging on the back of the cheque
  2. Attach a recent, original photo of you (can be passport type or school photo)
    • It CANNOT be a photocopy of a picture
    • It CANNOT include anybody else in the picture (ie; friends, family, pets)
  3. Submit the COMPLETED Application Package to Ms. Niccoli-Harris  in room 317

For further information, please see the following link:

♦  NOTE: Challenge exam marks can no longer be used as part of your GPA calculation for admission to UBC…it will meet the Language Requirement, but not the GPA calculation