Online Resources

Welcome back! These are certainly challenging times and we know many of you are doing amazing work to (once again) pivot and find creative and thoughtful ways to engage our learners. Janice Novakowski’s blog has a great post with some suggestions for engaging students online with rich numeracy tasks. Check it out!

Goody Bag Problem

In a week you will be hosting your birthday party. Mom has come home with all
the items to make up the goody bags. You have invited four (4) friends to your
party. You need to divide the loot into 5 goody bags, one for each of your friends,
and one for yourself. Mom, however, did not purchase five of each item.

Your task is to figure out how to divide the items into the five goody bags so that each
person gets a goody bag that is fair. Your Mom has told you that when it is time to
give out the goody bags she is going to hand out the bags randomly. This means
that you do not know which bag you will get.

Some things to think about:
What is fair?
How will you justify the fairness of each goody bag to your friends?
When you have finished sorting the items for each goody bag, you must explain how you chose to sort the items for each goody bag and why this is fair.

109 Cookies Challenge


Old Mother Hubbard is baking cookies so her cupboards won’t be bare anymore! She bakes 109 cookies in all. She bakes the cookies on 4 cookie sheets. Each cookie sheet is arranged into equal rows and columns, but not every cookie sheet has the same number of rows and columns.

Using digits 0-9, at most once, how might the cookies be arranged on the cookie sheets?

This challenge would be great to use with intermediate grades.
