Grade 8 and 9 Choice Boards Ready Now!

Choice Boards Ready

The Grade 8 and 9 choice boards, filled with meaningful tasks that span the curricular competencies and big ideas in mathematics, are finally up for your review and use.  Click here to see the full documents with all links and activities (and you will find the Grade 2-7 choice boards as well).

Pro D with Carole Fullerton on Friday

If you are interested in working on math professional develoment on Friday, Nov 27 and don’t have anything else planned, you are invited to join in with Carole Fullerton. She will be presenting to Burnaby about Place Value in Primary from 8:30-10 am and from 10:30-12 she will be presenting on Algebraic Thinking for grades 4-9. Details can be found here: Fullerton Nov 27 2020.

One Reply to “Grade 8 and 9 Choice Boards Ready Now!”

  1. Calculator, machine for automatically performing arithmetical operations and
    certain mathematical functions. Modern calculators are descendants of a digital
    arithmetic machine devised by Blaise Pascal in 1642. Later in the 17th century,
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz created a more-advanced machine, and, especially in the
    late 19th century, inventors produced calculating machines that were smaller and
    smaller and less and less laborious to use. In the early decades of the 20th century,
    desktop adding machines and other calculating devices were developed. Some were key-driven,
    others required a rotating drum to enter sums punched into a keyboard, and later the drum was spun by electric motor.

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