العربية Arabic
አማርኛ Amharic
Հայերեն Armenian
برای ساخت Farsi
Français French
한국어 Korean
Kurdî Kurdish
русский Russian
中文 Simplified Chinese
Español Spanish
Kiswahili Swahili
ቲግሪንያ Tigrinya
tiếng Việt Vietnamese
Online Assessment:
This is the link for an online English language assessment with the Burnaby School District for your multilingual child . Please note, the student will need a device with a microphone, camera, and internet access. Laptops and desktop computers using Chrome work best and are preferred. Tablets/iPads and smart phones may be too small. If you are unable to complete this assessment online, call the Welcome Centre at 604-296-6936 and speak to the receptionist. There are limited spaces for in person assessments. Please note that this assessment is in Pacific Standard Time. Thank you.