
File Reviews: Please check your emails to confirm the date and time of your file review. If you haven’t signed up, please email Michelle.

November 2 at 3:15pm (TEAMS)- Picture Book Inquiry Group-Bring your ideas on how to start with your two selections to share.

November 4 at 9am (Welcome Centre) BAA Social Studies Work Group

November 9th at 3:15pm (TEAMS) SIOP Leads Meeting

Reading Recommendation

A recent article in the online magazine “The Conversation” discussed the benefits of using mixed languages. These are languages that are a combination of a language and English that have become more prevalent in the modern world. An interesting, quick read if you are looking for evidence to support multi-lingualism in the classroom:

Why Mixing Languages Can Improve Academic Performance

ELL Ideas

Did you see the Google Doodle last week about Kanō Jigorō’s 161st Birthday. You may ask who that is and the answer is the founder of judo. Google provided a manga style storyboard that would work well for a variety of activities. One idea is to use PWIM model to build vocabulary or assign groups a picture and have a group work together to tell the story using transitional phrases. Some extensions could be to research other historical founders and create their storyboards.   The link for the Doodle is here:

A Taste of SIOP

Consider sharing this poster with your school at the next staff meeting.  Often, when we talk about academic language, people assume we are describing Tier 3 words, but Tier 2 language are words students need for ALL subjects. Encourage everyone to focus on teaching the Tier 2 vocabulary students will need to be successful at the current unit.  A list of examples of academic words by grade level can be found on the blog here: