
Teen Group Chat is a program for newcomer youth who want to meet other youth and practice speaking English. We will play games, connect, and discuss an interesting topic in a fun and friendly online group setting.  All English language learners are welcome. The next meeting is: January 23 at 3:00pm. Email for the video meeting (Zoom) link.



Elementary ELL Meeting-January 27th, 1:00pm Zoom– We will be discussing reporting and file reviews. Please send agenda suggestions to Michelle.

Every Teacher is a Language Teacher

Groupings in a Pandemic

Grouping students together in a variety of ways is a powerful tool in most teachers’ toolboxes. For ELL students, it increases their language opportunities tenfold.  However, it has become much more complicated since March 2020. How do you put students together when you need to keep them physically distant?

Pairs grouping are probably the easiest way to go. Students can still sit 6 feet apart and hear each other. However, having students use outside spaces for group work can also be possible, although more complicated with our wet winters.

While physical groupings are not always feasible, digital ones have become more readily available. Breakout rooms in Zoom or Teams offer virtual spaces for students to work together. Furthermore, Office 365 means that students can collaborate on multiple documents with groupings from in their class, school, or even district like never before.

Putting students together often allows for them to learn from each other and shifts the focus from teacher-centric conversations. This allows students to push each other for more more meaningful learning.