CLC 12 Capstone

Before you graduate you must complete a CAPSTONE Project.

What is the Capstone Project?

The Capstone Project is a culminating project, presentation, or performance that allows students the opportunity to consolidate and showcase the learning from their school and life experience into a meaningful and relevant product.  It allows you to demonstrate your learning as you explore area(s) of interest that you are passionate about and that you anticipate you might possibly be pursuing after graduation.

In Career Life Connections, you will design, assemble and present a Capstone Project to an audience to demonstrate your personal learning and achievement (in and out of school), growth in the core competencies, and a reflection on your post-graduation plans.  It will involve you choosing your topic, submitting a proposal for approval, researching your topic, and showing a representation of your learning journey.


Your presentation to community members will include a discussion of who you are and what makes you unique, sharing possible post-graduation plans, and showcasing highlights of your learning journey which culminated in your final project.

 Why a Capstone Project?

A capstone project is a celebration of learning and experience.  It is designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems and develop skill sets. It is their venue to connect with the world outside of school and to demonstrate that they have the skills to go on to further their education, enter the workforce, and/or operate their own business.