Learn at Home – Advanced Learning

Learn at Home

English/Language Arts 


  • Read in any language!  Use your decoding skills to help you understand.
  • Build a fort with blankets.  Read in your fort alone or with a friend or stuffy.
  • Design a new cover for your book.
  • Ask someone else to read to you for at least 20 mins.  Follow along as they read.
  • Choose a scene from your book.  Act it out in front of an audience.
  • Write a 5 or more sentence review of your book.
  • Write a paragraph connection to your book.
  • Read in the bathtub. Make sure there’s no water in it!
  • Connect your book to another book.  Write or draw how they are connected.


  • Write a story.
  • Write a script.
  • Email someone you know. Write in any language!
  • Write an episode of your favourite show.
  • Write a different ending to a book, TV show, or movie.
  • Watch a show and write a summary of what you watched. Add as much detail as possible.
  • Write a shopping list for someone.
  • Interview someone. Write 5 interesting questions to ask.  Write down their answers. Check your work for spelling and caps.


Math Enrichment

  • https://solveme.edc.org/ – Online Algebra puzzles for kids
  • https://www.gregtangmath.com/ – A variety of Math related games based on the author’s best selling books
  • Ken Ken Puzzles — Similar to Sudoku but even more fun! Select difficulty and types of operations. Play online or via the iPad app.
  • http://www.sumdog.com/ – Practice Math Computation through online games
  • Create flash cards for multiplication facts to 144.  If you already have them, choose 20 and see how fast you can go through them.
  • Play 20 mins of math games on the blog.
  • Play a math facts game with dice or cards. Face cards are all 10 or Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, and Kings are 13.
  • Find a grocery flyer. Choose 6 items. Add them together to find the price before tax.

Other Enrichment

  • 31-Day-Spring-LEGO-Calendar – Use your Creative Thinking Skills to make new LEGO creations each day
  • https://wonderopolis.org/ – Wondoroplis asks and investigates interesting questions about the world. With multi-disciplinary content that purposefully aligns to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the STEM Educational Quality Framework, and Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
  • Learning from the Smithsonian – The Smithsonian Learning Lab offers teachers and parents access to millions of digital resources from across the Smithsonian’s museums, research centers, libraries, archives, and more. Includes pre-packaged collections that contain lessons, activities, and recommended resources made by Smithsonian museum educators. Includes self-directed learning modules for teens and tweens.
  • STEM Activities at Home – A variety of STEM activities to try at home.


Please make a sign/poster to share a message of gratitude for health care workers and/or essential service workers. You may choose to hang this in your window or find another space to display it. The purpose of this learning task is to share our thanks and show our appreciation for those who are keeping our community safe and healthy! Please e-mail me a picture of your finished sign/poster! I will be making one to display in my window too!
  1. With parent support, brainstorm who is working in our community right now​ and what jobs are considered essential services.
  2. Write a list of these jobs on a piece of paper (your parents may help you with the spelling of the jobs).
  3. Use any supplies you may have at home (paper, crayons, pencils, paint, glue, etc) to create a sign/poster.
  4. Write words of gratitude/appreciation/thanks directed at health care workers and/or essential service workers! Your child may chose to thank all health care workers/essential services workers or they may chose to create a poster specifically showing support for a particular occupation that they feel connected to (ex. We support and love nurses!; Thank-you essential service workers!; I am grateful for police, fire and ambulance keeping our community safe!)
  5. Remind children to make their writing big and bold​ if their plan is for people to be able to see it from a window.


  • Build a model.
  • Research the history.
  • Find a non-fiction book about it at the library.
  • Draw a diagram with labels.
  • Create a timeline.
  • Write a story that includes important facts.
  • Ask 3 interesting questions.  Answer them with details.
  • Find an article and write 5 interesting facts.
  • Find a YouTube video. Write or draw something new.
  • Create a comic.


  • Write about a strategy you used this week. Was it effective?
  • Make a list of calm down strategies you can use.
  • Write about something you did well this week. Why were you successful?
  • Write about something you wish had gone differently.
  • Write a meta moment story.
  • Draw a picture without words about a feeling you had this week.
  • Think of ways to rethink “I made a mistake”.
  • Think of ways to rethink “I can’t do it”.
  • Think of ways to rethink “this is too hard”.
  • Write an encouraging letter to someone.

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