At the DLRC – Advanced Learning

At the DLRC


Learning in Depth is a simple though radical innovation in curriculum and instruction designed to ensure that all students become experts about something during their school years. Each child is given a particular topic to learn about through her or his whole school career, in addition to the usual curriculum, and builds a personal portfolio on the topic. To the surprise of many, children usually take to the program with great enthusiasm, and within a few months LiD begins to transform their experience as learners. The program usually takes about an hour a week, with the students working outside school time increasingly.

“The hands-on LiDKit resources are designed to help implement the Learning in Depth (LiD) program.


Brain Games [ Primary and Intermediate Kits]
The Intermediate and Primary Brain Games kits include a selection of board games that can be used in the classroom to enhance learning. The games exercise Picture 262areas such as focus, memory, critical thinking, coordination and work skills, but do so in fun ways that can get students and teachers thinking “outside the box.” The games require different lengths of time to play and can accommodate two or more players; a few can even be played by a single player. Detailed play instructions and two “brain breaks” booklets are available inside the kit.


Big Thoughts for Kids, an Introduction to Philosophy [Kit]download
This kit contains a set of books that have been specifically purchased to support the literature-based philosophical discussions outlined on the following website: Teaching Philosophy Through Literature.  The website lessons include short introductions to the philosophical issues raised by each book and questions to ask children to get a philosophical discussion started.  They have also provided teacher guidelines for each book which identify and discuss the philosophical issues raised by the stories.


LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Kit
This resource  contains one laptop with Mindstorm software and two LEGO Mindstorm building kits.

Box City: An Interdisciplinary Experience in Community Planning

EXPERIENTIAL SOCIAL – EMOTIONAL KITS ( Primary and Intermediate Focus)


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