Marketing & Promotions 11

Marketing & Promotions 11

Course Description: 

In this course students will learn about the four Ps of marketing:
• product (creating new and improved products),
• promotion (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, and billboard advertising),
• place (where to buy good and services), and
• price (what to charge for good and services).

Students will apply their learning to Southpoint, the school store. All Marketing 11 students will be employed at Southpoint during the school year.


Assignments/Projects, Test/Quizzes, Southpoint School Store Shifts

 What type of student enjoys and is successful in this course?

Students who are interested in business and in understanding all the mass media around them will enjoy this course. Those that do not like to work in groups or have time to work at the school store would not make good candidates for this class.

What would be a good alternate to this course:

Entrepreneurship 12, Hospitality/Tourism 11/12

 What career areas/professions does this course help prepare a student for?

Business Administration