Intro to Computer Applications 9

Intro to Computer Applications 9

Course Description:

Introductory Computer Applications : The purpose of this Applied Skills course is to develop keyboarding proficiency as a personal life skill and as a foundation for career development. During the first 2-3 months, students will learn the techniques of keyboarding; mastery of letter, numbers, and symbols through touch-typing. After mastery of the keyboard, students will then use the features of word processing to create a variety of business documents. The purpose of daily warm-ups is two-fold: to allow students to practice and to provide both the teachers and the student with a measure of their performance. Introduction to PowerPoint and Excel is also included. All work is completed during class time.


Students are graded on typing proficiency and in-class assignments.

What type of student enjoys and is successful in this course?

Students who want to learn proper keyboarding techniques, and those who like structure will be successful in this class

What would be a good alternate to this course:

BCA 10