Business Computer Applications 12

Business Computer Applications 12

Course Description:

This course focuses on developing advanced skills in word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and graphics.  Create websites for small businesses and learn to manipulate financial data.  This course will assist in giving you the tools that you will need for business communications.  This is a hands-on class where you work individually most of the time. All work is completed during class time.

Software:  Microsoft Office Suite(Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), Adobe CC (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator)- ( programs taught is at the discretion of the instructor and may be different from listed.)


Assignments and class presentations.

Who should take this course?

Most students enjoy this class, as it is a hands-on class where they work individually most of the time. Students observe a 10-20 minute demonstration/explanation and then they work on their own. It is an easy course, and most students get a good mark because the teacher helps students complete assignments during class time.

What would be a good alternate to this course?

Yearbook 11, Web Page Design 11

What career  areas/professions does this course help prepare a student for?

Business, office administration