If you joined Reading Club earlier in the year, I hope you’re still reading each day and recording that in your paper reading logs.
If you started Reading Club on the first day of school (September 3, 2019) and read every single day, today (May 11, 2020) would be Day 251! Since you are unable to give me your Reading Club booklets, please email me with the total number of days you have already completed. You do not need to send me photos of your updated booklets.
I haven’t yet figured out how to sort out prizes and certificates but I will come up with a solution.
If you would like to join Reading Club, there still might be time if you can complete 50 Days of Reading before Friday, June 12. That means you had to start before Thursday, April 23. The following link is a printable document that students can use to record their at-home reading progress. https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/e10553_burnabyschools_ca/EX0G3JRjGytFnbD6IHeFiJQBXmB3JbzQJ_T9SDvIFTleEA?e=kRtGUJ