Resources for the New Curriculum – Burnaby Science

Resources for the New Curriculum

Check the links curated here and also in the tabs above to get sources for developing your science curriculum!  I’ll be updating them frequently.  Check out the Indigenous Perspectives tab above as well.


Comox School District’s science site  has great resources and ideas for the whole K-7 science curriculum, organized by big idea and grade.  This also includes many FRENCH resources.

For Early Years:

sc sparks

For Electricity (on a budget):
squishy circuits


Lots of ideas at Science World:

sci world image

Chemistry Education for Life (goes K-12)





A US site with lots of ideas for K- about Gr 10:

Lots of videos and other links from the National Center for Family Learning:





Next Generation Science – Sample Tasks

Great videos to support a range of science topics:

crashcourse kids




The Minute Earth and Minute Physics are YouTube channels:






Secondary Science

The Perimeter Institute comes highly recommended by physics teachers in the district: Perimeter Institute.

Genome BC(grade 9-12) Teacher resources and free workshops for classes

The Galileo Project has a commitment to supporting inquiry and project-based learning.  Many of the resources are suitable to secondary, although they also support primary and intermediate learning. It is CANADIAN.

galileo inquiry

 Great videos (but use captions as they go quickly!):



Veritasium is a YouTube channel of science and engineering videos featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science:


Songs to liven up or kick off your science class:





Live Science offers a fascinating window into the natural and technological world, delivering comprehensive and compelling news and analysis on everything from dinosaur discoveries, archaeological finds and amazing animals to health, innovation and wearable technology.

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Paul Andersen has created hundreds of science videos that have been viewed millions of times by learners around the world. His site has lots of content for senior science courses (Bozeman Science):




Internet sensation Tyler DeWitt has a strong focus on Chemistry:


tyler dewitt

PhET is a website filled with Physics Demonstrations.


Biology Videos:


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