Lots Going On – Burnaby Science

Lots Going On

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So I’ve noticed that every time I start a blog, I say “where did the time go”? I think it is a feeling we teachers often have. The month of September seems to have flown by, and October promises to be stuffed with activity too.  Over the past few years we have been asked to change the curriculum, focus on competencies, change our assessment and reporting and to weave Indigenous perspectives throughout our work.  We have also been asked to be more inclusive, to be cognizant of social-emotional learning and to use the latest technologies.  That’s a lot of change! It is possible that we can only effectively change a part of our practice each year. We must treat ourselves as we do our students: in some areas we will be “extending”, but in other places, it is ok if we stay in “emerging” or “developing” a little longer.  Most importantly, reach out.  Collaborate with other staff at your school, find a community on Twitter or on other social media, reach out to me to assist in Science and Math. I love to come in to talk about planning and to provide you with some support to explore science!

Staff Development Workshops

Check out the following offerings on the Staff Development Calendar:

Argument Driven Inquiry in Science— Gr 5-12.  This series of books (published by the National Science Teachers’ Association in the US) gives teachers the ideas and resources to develop the curricular competencies in students and go beyond the recipe book type lab. It also works to develop literacy skills so students can read, write and speak in the context of science.

Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change–Are you finding it hard to incorporate the urgent issue of Climate Change across your curriculum? Join with other K-12 educators to bring meaningful, place-based understandings of climate change, its evidence, causes and effects into your teaching.  Suitable for K-12 teachers in science, social studies, and across the curriculum. Teachers will receive a teaching resource and support to implement activities in their classrooms. Commit to 4 dates—2 after school sessions and 2 half days (TOC provided).  The first two dates are Oct 23 (3:30-5:30) and Nov 27 (morning).

science fairScience Fair/Celebration for Elementary Schools–Would you like your students to pursue their own inquiry in science? Would you like to build up to presenting at a school wide or at the (new) district wide science celebration? Attend this start up meeting to get resources, support, to meet high school mentors and develop scientific inquiry in your class. October 28, 3:45-5:15 pm.

Lunch and Learn

Too busy to come to an after school session? Join together with at least 3 other staff at your school for a Lunch and Learn session. I will present on one of the following topics (or you can ask for anything):

  • Number Talks
  • Number Lines
  • Open Ended Math Problems
  • Strands in the Science Curriculum
  • Science Inquiry Activities

Contact me by e-mail to set up a date: Donna.Morgan@burnabyschools.ca

Oct 25 PSA Day Science Opportunities

Looking to add some science to your Pro D Day in October? Check out these activities:

These first two cost some $, so if you have applied for Detached Duty you might consider:

BC Science Teachers’ Association Catalyst Conference

Classrooms to Communities Place Based Learning Conference

These are low or no cost:

Beaty Museum of Biodiversity

Grouse Mountain

UBC Physics and Astronomy Outreach on Building Circuits

Ocean Ambassadors

Engineering and Your Classroom (at UBC)




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