Uncategorized – Page 7 – Burnaby Science

Category: Uncategorized

Need a little help with the new curriculum and the way it has re-organized topics? Well, in addition to the resources being updated on this site, you might want to check out Comox School District’s science site. Besides having a range of videos, activities and information, many of the topics also have resources available in French, something I know has been a difficulty for those of you teaching immersion.

If you would like to work on developing your knowledge of Indigenous science and technology, this wonderful resource Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science puts a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

For secondary teachers looking for some resource to teach unfamiliar physics, you can check out the Perimeter Institute.  Recommended by district physics teachers Mati Bernabei (Burnaby North) and Steve Fuerderer (Byrne Creek), this website covers a wide range of physics topics with great ideas and resources.

By the way, if you attended a session on Curriculum Implementation Day, I’ve added you as a subscriber.  That means you will get a newsletter from this Science Blog once every two weeks, IF and ONLY IF, there is new content.  It is also very easy to unsubscribe.



The new BC Ed curriculum places a great deal of emphasis on inquiry, communication and student choice.  A science fair project can be an excellent way to engage students in inquiry and also meet many of the curricular competencies in science.  If you are interested in developing a science fair style project for your Gr 4 – 9 class, come to an introductory meeting that will help you get started. The session will take place on Thursday, 16. November 2017 – 03:45 pm till 05:30 pm at Burnaby Central. You will leave with a thorough understanding of what is needed, some resources to put it in place, and a network of teachers (and a math/science consultant) to support you.  Please sign up via the Staff Development Calendar.science fair

Coyote Science–Indigenizing science

Also, in news on the blog, I’m trying to update the New Curriculum area.  For starters, I have put some more description and a few more links in the Aboriginal Education page.  One new resource I’ve come across is Coyote Science–a tv program that investigates a variety of science topics from an Indigenous perspective.  Check it out and stream episodes from the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.  Not all content is Coast Salish, but some is.  For those of you struggling with the new Science 10 topics, there is even an episode on The Big Bang!

A Bit About Me

New Math/Science Consultant Donna Morgan

As of September 25, I have started as the new District Math/Science Program Consultant.  I’m really looking forward to working with teachers from K-12 (and adult educators) across Burnaby.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a science and math teacher in Burnaby for 27 years.  I’ve worked at 3 (and a bit) secondary schools, teaching math from 8-11 and science (from 8-12). I’ve spent the last 3 years as a Faculty Associate at SFU, supporting student teachers from K-12.  I’ve got a great admiration for primary teachers (particularly K). Besides my strong interests in math and science, I am passionate about assessment and inquiry.  I also consider myself an environmentalist and a social justice advocate.

If you would like to collaborate on your math or science program, or are looking for some tips and resources, feel free to e-mail me (donna.morgan@sd41.bc.ca) or call at 604-760-6157. Or you can follow me on Twitter @donnamorgan8.

Looking for Something To Do on October 20?

If you weren’t able to apply for detached duty or are looking for something other than the Superconference (which is where you can find me on Oct 20), here are a list of things you can do in math and science on our Provincial Professional Development Day:

BC Association of Math Teachers

Vandusen Garden Inspiring Environmental Awareness

Harbour Cruise By Minerals Ed

Copper Mountain (Near Princeton—day trip from the Lower Mainland)

Beatty Museum at UBC

Drawing nature at Van Dusen

Grouse Mountain—nature and AbEd


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