International Literacy Day 2018 | Jain College

Your annual Literacy Week is right around the corner, running November 21st-24th!
If you are in grade 8 and new to our school, you can expect a classroom visit from Ms. Smith sharing all the ways you can participate in Literacy activities throughout the week and how to be eligible to win prizes!
Back by popular demand is our Library Escape Room but with a new theme: “Stranger Things”!
Also back will be the choice board filled with activities where you can choose your own literacy challenge with your classes.
Remember: the more you participate, the more chances you have of winning fun prizes…even a class pizza party! Remind your teachers to submit pictures of your participation to the Literacy Week thread so you are included in the prize draws.
Have fun!
#bmsslegitlit2022 #bmssliteracyinaction2022