Website Evaluation
Retrieved from on Sept. 2018.
T | R | A | A | P |
Timeliness of the information |
Appropriateness of the information |
Source of the information |
Reliability and correctness of the information |
Purpose and objectivity of the information should be clear. |
Is there a date the information was published, posted or updated? Do links to other sites or information work properly? |
Does the information on the site answer your research questions?
Is the information at an appropriate level? |
Is the author identified and qualified to write about this topic?
Can they be contacted?
Does the URL represent a credible source? (for example, – Canadian government .com – commercial website) |
Is the information well researched and documented?
Does it include a bibliography?
Are there errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar? |
Is the information intended to teach or inform?
Is the information based on fact, rather than opinion?
Is the site free of stereotyping and bias (racial, cultural , faith or gender)? |
Kahoot Game
Benefits of Wikipedia
Choose 2 sites from the following list and one of your own.
Oil Sands
Dog Island
Trans Mountain Pipeline
Mega Plastics in the Ocean
Dihydrogen Monoxide
Aluminum Foil Beanie
All About Explorers
Tree Octopus
Websites for Grade 10
US History American Revolution
Newspaper Reprint – Serena Williams
How did the telescope change the way we view the world?
All About Explorers
Use the citation tool Bibme (Citation Guide) to complete your bibliography.
Remember that your bibliography needs to be in alphabetically order.