Have you picked up a Cariboo Reads Book yet?

Come down to the library to start your reading adventure!
Prizes will be awarded to our top readers.

There are 17 books to pick from this year. Students must read a minimum of 6 Cariboo Reads Books and complete 6 Cariboo Reads Forms to be included in the draw for the Literacy Week Prizes. (6 books + forms = 1 entry, 11 books + forms = 3 entries, all 17 books + forms = 5 entries)

So come on down to the library, sign out a Cariboo Reads title, read it and return it for someone else to enjoy. Please see Ms. Kawas in the library for more information.

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the Cariboo Hill Library

Remember: Culture is not a costume!

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Access to E-Books and Audiobooks

Download the Destiny Discover App from the App Store to your personal device or smartphone. You will be prompted for a location — type in Cariboo Hill, and select our school.

Type in your Office 365 credentials using the button called “SD41 Burnaby SAML SS0” .Search for an E-Book to read or an Audio Book to listen to and then click the “Checkout” button for the item you want.

Go to the “My Stuff” section to read or listen to the digital media file.

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Literacy Week 2023/2024

We would like to congratulate and thank all students and staff who were involved in our 2023/2024 Literacy Week activities.

This year’s winners are:

Cariboo Reads Winners
– Hartej Dhaliwal in Grade 11
– Asher Loretan in Grade 10
– Megan Palma in Grade 10
Bookmark Contest Winners
– Kaitlyn Pho in Grade 11
– Megan Palma in Grade 10
– Pei Yi Zhang in Grade 10
– Cathy Chen in Grade 8
– Ana Erlic in Grade 8
– Wren Andersen in Grade 8


Please come down to the library to pick up your prizes from Ms. Kawas during Flex Time if you haven’t done so already.

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Cariboo Reads 2023/2024

Come down to the library and discover our Cariboo Reads display to start your reading journey. There are 17 books to pick from this year. Students must read a minimum of 6 Cariboo Reads Books and complete 6 Cariboo Reads Forms to be included in the draw for the Literacy Week Prizes. (6 books + forms = 1 entry, 11 books + forms = 3 entries, all 17 books + forms = 5 entries)

So come on down to the library, sign out a Cariboo Reads title, read it and return it for someone else to enjoy. Please see Ms. Kawas in the library for more information.

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