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Cercle de Mac Barnett

This recording is done by permission from Scholastic. Please click on the book for Storytime with Mme Yio! Many thanks to Scholastic for granting permission at this time.

Author: Mac Barnett

Illustrations: Jon Klassen

Text français de Kévin Viala



I surely miss you, my students.  I miss chatting with you, talking about the books you are reading and of course, I miss reading to you.

so, Each week I will be posting “story-time with Mme Yio”.  Keep watching for my videos!

Keep reading children!





Online Learning Resources

Learning from home is our reality at the moment.  Teachers are actively busy designing engaging and meaningful lessons that you can do in your homes.  Our virtual classrooms are here for you.  This blog will feature some creative activities that you can do – projects, STEM activities and literacy links.   They are in the form of “Collections”.  Click on the link which will guide you to other links on the WEB.  Happy learning children!

STEM activities:

BOOKS online: 

 Read alouds: 



Literacy week at Westridge was a huge success!


Our theme this year – READING IS OUR THING – was brought to life this week with many fun events in our school community!

École Westridge welcomed guest readers, played Dr. Seuss Trivia and dressed up in creative Dr. Seuss character costumes! We hosted a Literacy Assembly featuring a teacher performance of Green Eggs and Ham, students presenting their writing and teachers sharing their favourite childhood books. Many thanks to Tracy Healy (Burnaby District Indigenous Literacy Teacher) and Jen Mezei (Board of Education, Trustee Vice-Chair) for participating and sponsoring literacy in our school community! Also, thank you to all of the teachers and staff at École Westridge for making this week a huge success!  

Family literacy day is January 27th. What are you doing to celebrate this year? For some fun ideas, visit ABC Life Literacy Canada at

Remember: there is no app that can replace your lap!  

Attitude of Gratitude

As we approach Remembrance Day, it is useful to discuss with students what we are grateful for in our daily lives.  Having an “attitude of gratitude” is an important way to shift our outlook and be happier, more well adjusted citizens.  The following link shows how some students around the world make their daily trek to school.  Some of the images made students utter words like “impossible” and “no way!”.


On Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019, students and faculty at École Westridge participated in the annual DROP EVERYTHING AND READ (DEAR) challenge! Westridge students and staff read in their classrooms, in the hallways, the music room and even in the gymnasium! It was a fun event that celebrated how important reading is to the success and well-being of our students. Seeing adults set aside work and business for a few minutes of pleasure reading has sent a powerful message to students: reading is a priority! Let’s work together – parents, peers and teachers alike – to model to our students how important and fun reading can be!  WAY TO GO WESTRIDGE STAFF AND STUDENTS!!!
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