Happy New Year! – Burnaby Science

Happy New Year!

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We teachers are lucky to have two “New Year’s” every year…January brings us an opportunity to return to our demanding work with renewed vigour and hopefulness. Perhaps the greatest part of teaching is that it practically forces us to be optimistic–we are always ready to learn more, do better, make more authentic connections.  

In 2019, I hope to continue meeting teachers and working with students in classrooms to develop inquiry-based science lessons, incorporate Indigenous perspectives and understandings into science learning, and to connect students to this beautiful land.  Please contact me donna.morgan@burnabyschools.ca if you would like to consult with me 1:1 about your science program.  You can also take advantage of some of the opportunities below.

Curriculum Implementation Day

There are a variety of opportunities available on CID. In the realm of science, two opportunities are being organized by district teachers.  The first is Place Based Learning (K-12), held at the Burnaby Lake Pavillion.  This will include presentations by Lori Snyder, a Metis Herbalist, educator, mother, and story-teller. Lori offers workshops to discover our wild, edible, native and medicinal plants in different communities around Metro Vancouver, the unceded territories of the Coast Salish People; and Gillian Judson, Executive Director of SFU’s Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture and Education.  She will be speaking about her book A Walking Curriculum: Evoking Wonder & Developing Sense Of Place (K-12).  

Also, there will be a session for Secondary School teachers on Standards Based Assessment, held at Burnaby Mountain Secondary.  Teachers will share their experiences in transforming their teaching and assessment practices using standards based assessment. There will be Ed Camp style break-out sessions for different subject areas, including Science. 

For both of the above sessions, sign up at the Staff Development Calendar.

Spring Sessions

For elementary teachers, the workshop series on Inquiry in the new curriculum continues with the last two offerings which provide a look into the Elementary Science Curricular threads, how student understanding is built up, and what types of activities you can do to facilitate structured, controlled, guided and free inquiry. We will look at ways to incorporate Indigenous perspectives into science lessons, related books and stories, and how to get outside. Hand-outs with links and suggestions for resources will be given out.

 Join with other K-7 teachers for MATTER on Monday, January 14 at Alpha Secondary, 3:45-6:15, with a light supper to be served.  Sign up at  https://learn.sd41.bc.ca/events-calendar

You can also sign up for EARTH AND WATER on Monday, February 11 again at Alpha Secondary, 3:45-6:15, with a (different) light supper.

If you missed sessions but are looking for the resources lists and the Four-Pager Summaries with information and suggested activities, look here.

Spring will also see a joint session with myself and Literacy Consultant Tanis Anderson on Literature and Science (K-12), and a brief series on Assessment and Science (Gr 4-12). Check this out on the Staff Development Calendar as well.


Happy New Year!


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