A few new resources – Burnaby Science

A few new resources

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Need a little help with the new curriculum and the way it has re-organized topics? Well, in addition to the resources being updated on this site, you might want to check out Comox School District’s science site. Besides having a range of videos, activities and information, many of the topics also have resources available in French, something I know has been a difficulty for those of you teaching immersion.

If you would like to work on developing your knowledge of Indigenous science and technology, this wonderful resource Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science puts a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

For secondary teachers looking for some resource to teach unfamiliar physics, you can check out the Perimeter Institute.  Recommended by district physics teachers Mati Bernabei (Burnaby North) and Steve Fuerderer (Byrne Creek), this website covers a wide range of physics topics with great ideas and resources.

By the way, if you attended a session on Curriculum Implementation Day, I’ve added you as a subscriber.  That means you will get a newsletter from this Science Blog once every two weeks, IF and ONLY IF, there is new content.  It is also very easy to unsubscribe.



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