Primary Writing

There are many benefits to writing that help children as they grow and develop, according to Andrea Bergstein, the greatest benefits are:

Imagination And Creativity
Creative writing encourages kids to exercise their creative minds and practice using their imaginations. It improves their ability to come up with alternatives. This broadens their thought processes, which can lead to success in many areas, including problem solving and analysis.

Children often have difficulty understanding and expressing how they feel. Through writing, children have a safe place to explore, and this can be a highly beneficial tool for expressing their feelings.

Writing gives children more opportunity to assert themselves and their opinions and develop their “voice.”  These developments can really strengthen their self-confidence.

Communication And Persuasion Skills
A well-written piece involves a lot of thought, planning, organization, and use of language to get a point across. What great practice for kids at laying out their thoughts and trying to clearly convince someone of their point of view.


Let’s Get Started!

Here are some ways to help children generate writing ideas:

1. Story Workshop – children use toys, recycled materials, things around the house, loose parts, etc. to create a setting and character. From there they develop their story to include a problem and solution. Stories can be shared orally, recorded, or written.

2. Use interesting pictures or close up photos to help inspire ideas or pieces of the plot.

Here are a few I found online:



M.C. Escher – Relativity.

3. Write on something they have lots of knowledge about already:

  • writing that extends a favourite book or movie, for example changing the ending, writing a sequel, writing from a different character’s perspective.
  • writing about a hobby, experience, or talent
  • writing about something learned, discovered, or built

4. Use a writing prompt to help power up your brain. Here are a few that may be helpful (some from

  • Being invisible is great because…
  • I am very proud because…
  • If I were the Prime Minister, I would…
  • If I were a turtle living in a pond, I would…
  • I am really good at ______________, because…
  • My favourite room in my house is __________, because…
  • I am a good neighbor because…
  • My favorite time of day is _____, because…
  • My best day ever was when…
  • Climbing trees is…
  • I wish trees could __________ because…
  • I want to be a __________ when I grow up. Then I will…
  • I wish there were a law that said…
  • I wish I had a superpower of  __________ because…
  • One day as I was walking home from school, I came across the most peculiar thing…
  • One day I found a key that opened a secret door…
  • Last night I had a crazy dream…
  • At school today, my teacher was away and our substitute was…

5. Write to comment or inquire about things. This could include things like:

  • text messages to family and friends
  • letter writing
  • journal/diary entries