Virtual Pro-D Opportunity with Tan Huyhn

Coquitlam is offering a workshop with Tan Huyhn on Co-planning and Co-teaching  on October 23rd from 9-12pm. Tan is an international educator and RoyELLty. Burnaby has three spots available for what is sure to be an amazing workshop. We will be drawing two names so email Michelle to be put in the hat which will be pulled on Friday.

Every Teacher is a Language Teacher

Providing Age Appropriate and Educational Background for Students

While ELL students may not have the academic language to complete grade appropriate work, they often do have the academic knowledge in their home language. Students with interrupted schooling often have life experience that may give them background knowledge of content way beyond their years. Therefore, while we need to adapt the English language, we don’t change the content of the learning. Assignments where all students can access higher order thinking, despite English level is necessary.

When planning consider:

·         Student’s first language literacy skills

·         Student’s second language literacy proficiency

·         Student’s reading level

·         Cultural and age appropriateness of the information

·         Reading level of the content material

Then, you can make adaptations such as:

·         Mini-lessons to provide background knowledge that is missing

·         Texts adapted to teach high level content at low readability levels

·         Mini-lessons to teach important vocabulary

·         heritage language texts


Upcoming Dates

Time/ Place
Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 3:30-5:00pm (Teams) SIOP Coordinators’ Meeting
Thursday, October 8th, 2020 3:30-5:00pm Zoom ELL Book Club (sign up on Staff development calendar)
Thursday, October 8th, 2020 1-2 pm Zoom Elementary ELL Meeting