Common Questions this week:

Can matrices be completed with classroom/content teachers? Yes, collaboration is key. Take notes to document your discussion and find a reading and writing sample to support your assessment (Grade 3+).
What should I do if I can’t contact a student? The first action is to ask other teachers if they’ve had any contact with that student. Then, if no one has, discuss it with your administrator and ask them to try. Then, contact Michelle or Fanny and we will consult with you on next steps.
I’ve never done an AIP. How do I complete one? We will be holding an AIP tutorial later this month so keep an eye out for announcements in the next few weeks.


There will a workshop every day this week. These optional sessions are mostly to answer questions and give some pointers about planning, scheduling, and collaborating with the Ministry of Educations ELL Standards.  If you wish to attend but are unable, please email Michelle to make alternative plans. Please note Wednesday’s session was changed because it conflicted with a LSS district meeting. Check your email for zoom links.
Monday, May 4th, 10-11am Year-end assessment for first-year ELL teachers
Tuesday, May 5th, 12:30-1:30pm Primary matrices and IPT for year-end assessment
Wednesday, May 6: 9am-10am Intermediate matrices for year-end assessment
Thursday, May 7: 1:00-200pm Secondary matrices for year-end assessment
Friday, May 8: 1-3pm ELL teacher drop in with Fanny and Michelle

Last Note

One of positives that have come from this crisis is the number of free educational webinars that have become available. We’ve added a channel to our ELL Teams with these opportunities. If you have one you want to share, please do. Last week, I attended a session with Larry Ferlazzo (author of the ELL Teacher Toolbox) and he discussed how difficult he’s found this change and some solutions he has found. Here is the link to the video if and when you want to give it a watch: Distance Learning for ELL