Dorina Sackman-Ebuwa Presentation 

We had the pleasure of hosting @Dorina_BELIEVE at our February joint Pro-D day with Coquitlam. She will be joining us again in a virtual follow-up session next Tuesday, April 20th at 315. Please email for more information!


Professional Development Opportunity

If you are looking for some professional development on supporting your ELLs in the virtual environment, please consider joining Alina Cozma and Ann Stewart Hunter for: Inclusive Strategies in the Virtual Environment Living Room Literacy on Wednesday, April 14th from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30  p.m.   This session offers ready-to-use interactive activities for the virtual learning environment. This workshop is being hosted by the Learning Assistance Teacher Association of BC (LATA). To register on Eventbrite, click on the link below:

If you are not a member of LATA, you will be required to pay their membership fee ($35.00) to participate, which will give you access to a pool of resources and future events from LATA.



In the Community

BPL Workshop for Teenagers


Sikh Heritage Month

Wanting resources or lesson plans that highlight Sikh history and Sikh-Canadians? Check out for resources and links for more information. This is particularly timely as some students may be celebrating Vaisakhi on this week





Looking for creative ways to share ELL-friendly teaching strategies with your colleagues? Check out our colleague in Nanaimo, Loa Richardson, video on QSSSA.


New/Nearly New to ELL Assessment Workshops

Are you new or nearly new to ELL? Is this your first-time doing ELL year-end assessments? Have questions about the assessments? Want to learn how to make an AIP?

Please join us for drop-in training sessions where we will go over the K-7 ELL year-end assessments and answer any questions you may have. You do not need to RSVP, just show up whenever it works for your schedule. Come to one or as many as you like!

Sessions will run:

Wednesday, April 14 – 9:00am – 11:00am

Monday, April 19 – 9:00am – 11:00am

Tuesday, April 27 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Friday, May 7 – 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Thursday, May 13 – 9:00am – 11:00am