We did it! We are on the last week of June. Celebrations will be quieter this year but everyone should feel a huge sense of accomplishment. Burnaby is so fortunate to have you on their team.



Instead of answering your questions, this week we’d like you to answer ours. If you could take 5 minutes to fill out this survey, it will help the ELL support team to plan for 2020-21: End of the Year ELL Survey

Professional Development Opportunities

Carol Salva’s Boosting Achievement Podcast: https://salvac.edublogs.org/the-boosting-achievement-esl-podcast/
Tan Huyhn’s Empowering Language Learners podcast: https://www.empoweringells.com/podcast/
Voice Ed Canada educational radio: https://voiced.ca/ 


Schools will be receiving files from the Welcome Centre this week. Also, included will be re-signed AIPs that need to replace ones previously sent out.

Last Note

Jeannette, Fanny and Michelle would like to thank you for all your support, collaboration, and encouragement. We hope to re-connect with you all in the fall. Have an amazing, much-deserved summer break.