Happy Monday morning!

I hope the sunny weekend brought you rest and respite. Also, happy Mother’s Day to all of you out there.

Last Week’s Victories

About 100 teachers were able to attend workshops on this year’s year-end assessment process. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the workshop and share practice.   It’s nice to hear that many teachers have been able to start the year-end assessments through collaboration, in-consultation, and in small groups.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Common Questions:

Can we invite students into buildings to do assessments? Please discuss any students that you are concerned about with and would like to invite into the building with your school’s administrator. 

Do we need to assess ELLs in French Immersion Program? If a student was receiving ELL support in 2019-2020, they need to be assessed. We are still looking into other French Immersion students who may need ELL support for the 2020-21 school year.

Do we need to assess students who are exiting? If students received support for ELL in 2019-2020, they need to be assessed. After that, if they are found to be no longer needing support they can be exited. In Burnaby, students are not automatically exited after 5+ years. It is only if the ELL teacher finds that the student no longer requires support to succeed at grade level

Are we assessing ELD students at this time? Yes, please contact Michelle for further information.


Thursday, May 28th at 1pm, there will be an AIP workshop for anyone who has never used the ELL database before. Please let me know if you would like to attend and I’ll send you the invite.

Last Note

Thank you for your amazing dedication and work. We are inspired by all the creative approaches you’ve taken with your students.

Have a brilliant week!