
Drama 8 

Drama 8 is part of the Arts 8 rotation experience at Burnaby Central. It is the introduction course in developmental drama and builds on skills and concepts of dramatic arts. Students have the opportunity to build confidence through the creation of short scenes and techniques. They connect with other students though numerous group work opportunities in a safe and comfortable environment. 

Drama 9 

Drama 9 develops student’s knowledge, skills and experiences in drama. Students explore improvisation (spontaneous and prepared), as well as individual and small group work in short, scripted scenes and plays. Emphasis is on vocal projection and building performance confidence. Students will increase personal development and communication skills.  

Drama 10 

This course continues development of improvisational skills, vocal projection and stage presence. Students explore artistically challenging activities, personal exploration and communication building techniques. Greater attention will be given to the development of character in both improvised and scripted roles.  

Drama 11: Acting  

This senior acting class places emphasis on developing a deeper understanding of theatre. Students will acquire advanced terminology and techniques and will be challenged with exceptional contemporary and classic plays and scenes. Students will sharpen their skills through advanced improvisation, script analysis, voice and movement. Props and costumes will also be an important part of script work. 

Drama 12: Acting 

Acting 12 develops student’s understanding of theatrical elements at an advanced level. Through theatre, students acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will enhance their personal, educational and career development. Acting 12 incorporates advanced performance pieces and both personal and group exploration and expression. This class will use a variety of mediums, such as filming techniques, to produce advanced work. 

Theatre Company 9  (Junior Central Theatre Company) – Off Timetable 

The focus of the Junior Theatre Company will be primarily on performance. Students will be expected to perform in productions. Productions will vary from plays, to creations of films, musicals, to original student scripts. This course runs off timetable and meets currently one day a week, but more rehearsals will be added as necessary as the show draws near. Rehearsals would be based on students/teacher availability and need. Students will be exposed to all aspects of theatre from production, directing, writing, crew side to acting, performance side. Students should be enrolled in the core dram class to be in Theatre Company. 

Theatre Company 10, 11 & 12 (Senior Central Theatre Company) – Off Timetable 

This is an intensive course where students are expected to perform in major productions. The course will run off timetable. Rehearsals will be added as necessary as the show approaches and are based on students/teacher availability and need. Productions will vary from plays, to creations of films, musicals, to original scripts. Through solo masterclass work and collaborative group numbers, students will work intensively to produce shows. Students should be enrolled in the core drama class to be in Theatre Company. 

Theatre Production 10, 11 & 12 

This course is offered to grade 10-12 students and may be taken in subsequent years. This course is intended for students with an interest in the production aspect of theatre and film, such as, set design, lighting, projection, sound, scenic painting, stage management, costume, make up, invention and innovation. This course supports the school drama productions. Students should be enrolled in the core drama class to be in Theatre Production. 

Directing & Script Development 11 

This course emphasizes interpreting and writing performance material. Students create original works and are presented with opportunities to develop their production, directorial and scriptwriting skills within a drama class. Students should be enrolled in the core drama class to be in Directing & Script Development 

Directing & Script Development 12 

This is an intensive course. Students are given leadership opportunities to develop and create their own material. Students enrolled in this course will be expected to take responsibility for selection and direction of longer scenes and development of one act plays for drama classes. They will be required to be enrolled in the core drama class.