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Health Week May 2-6

Welcome to Burnaby Central’s Health Week!

Wildcat Health Week, is a school-wide event from May 2nd -6th to bring awareness about mental and physical health. It is an opportunity for our school community to focus on the importance of healthy living.  It is all about starting

5 mental health tips to help you tackle 2022 - Los Angeles Timesconversations about mental health and things in our daily lives that can affect it. This year we want as many people as possible, students and staff, to participate in each mental health theme during ‘Wildcat Health Week’. The week covers a variety of topics, lessons, activities, and resources on health.

The Mental Health Committee has been working collaboratively to provide students and staff with information and activities based on research, designed to improve mental and physical well-being.   Although Mental Health Awareness Month only lasts for the month of May, we hope that the tactics and strategies learned will stay with our Burnaby Central community for a lifetime!


Last week before Spring Break! March 7-11

Health Canada Presentation “Know More”  The opioid crisis  March 8 all day. 

Indoor soccer March 9  Period 1 Kuhn/DiGeso 10:40 – 11:40

Period 3 DiGeso/Cherrier 12:45-1:45

March 10 Period 2  9:30-10:30  Moore,   10:40-11:40 Kuhn

Ice skating March 10 Period 4 1:45-2:45 Rink 6 Vagnarelli/Buono

March 11 Period 1 DiGeso, Snow, Vagnarelli Rink 6

Period 2 Vagnarelli, Kuhn, Moore Rink 6

Period 3 DiGeso, Buono   Rink 5


Welcome to Burnaby Central Physical Health Education

This week In PHE:


  • Unit change happens on  Tuesday February 15
  • Presentations from Health Canada “Consider the consequences”  Vaping awareness.  for Junior PHE.

Indoor Soccer bookings

Feb 16, 2022 Wednesday                                                                  Feb 17, 2022 Thursday


Period 1 9:30- 10:30  N/A Period 2 9:30- 10:30 Vagnarelli
10:40 – 11:40 Snow 10:40 – 11:40 Snow
Period 3 12:45– 1:45 Buono Period 4 12:45– 1:45 Snow
1:50 -2:50 Ice time instead 1:50 -2:50 Moore

Scotiabarn Ice skating

February 18 – Period 1 Snow and Moore
Period 2 Vagnarelli           Period 3 – Buono and DiGeso





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